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Re: LSB rc script installer requirements #1

On Fri, Mar 26, 1999 at 09:08:41PM -0800, Daniel Quinlan wrote:
> Overall requirement:
>      Must provide interoperability between distributions for an
>      application installing rc scripts.  ISVs should never need to know
>      the boot script order or worry about distribution differences.

It should probably make it easy for admins to decide particular
scripts shouldn't be run at boot time, but instead run manually, or in
non-standard run levels.

> Possible:
>  1. abstract names for each stage of the start sequence
>  2. no more numbers ... list of symbols that order the start sequence

What's the difference between these? 

I presume this would allow something like:

	"FooCorp's brand new NFS server requires networking and portmapper
	 to be running, and /usr to be mounted."

So presumably some useful levels would be:

	interfaces are configured and routing is operational
		(at which point you can do network stuff)
	portmapper has started
		(at which point you can mount NFS mount points, etc)
	/usr is mounted
		(at which point you can use awk, and so forth)
	general daemons can startup
		(at which point non-single-user mode daemons won't get in
		 the way)
	users can login
		(at which point you can run an XDM replacement)

It's possibly worth noting that some of these don't happen on boot,
but only when, eg, a PCMCIA card is inserted. Still, if "init.d/xntp3"
depends on network-is-up, that should simply mean that it gets started
when pcmcia/network up is run, instead of as part of the rcX.d scripts.

>  3. must be extensible


>  4. no shell scripts

Errr. If this means "no .sh scripts that are expected to be sourced
(ie executed as . /etc/init.d/foo.sh)" then, sure.

>  5. user-definable runlevels

Certainly. It ought to be possible to have it so that installed programs
can default to being on/off in those new runlevels too, based on the
admin's choice. A distribution probably shouldn't *have* to do this

>  6. more than 6 runlevels

Ditto. A handful of specified runlevels might be good: single-user mode,
and multi-user mode naturally, and possible multi-user/no-network.

>  7. internationalization

How does i18n affect the boot process in particular?

>  8. define standard run level mappings (1 = halt, etc.)

Under Debian, it's currently 0 = halt, 1 = single user, 2-5 are
multi-user, and 6 is reboot.


(J. Random Debian Developer)

Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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