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Re: lsb-apache rpms

Previously Dan Kegel wrote:
> Although dpkg could be enhanced to handle lsb packages, why not just do
>    apt-get install rpm
> ?

Because that is just as silly, rpm is not the same as format as lsb
and judging by comments from the rpm maintainers they would not mind
dropping support for the lsb format (I can't really blame them, the
format isn't all that great).

Also note that if you install rpm on a dpkg-managed system you
you can run it, but it will not be able to verify any dependencies
because it uses a completely different status database.

FWIW, dpkg will be able to handle lsb packages just fine once we
get around to finishing multiple-format support. However dpkg will
not support rpm packages, and probably never will (constraints are


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