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Re: /mnt/cdrom or /mnt ?

On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Seva wrote:

> Keep the / as clean as possible,

Hear, hear; but this isn't the way to go about it.
> /mnt/tmp	temp (what uses to be /mnt)

I think we can agree that the days of /mnt being use as a temporary mount
point, rather than as a directory containing mountpoints are over. 

My question about this lot is: whose problem are you trying to solve? The
newbie isn't going to benefit from /mnt/loop, /mnt/tmp, etc, and the
experienced user isn't going to tolerate /mnt/remote for all those
different NFS mountpoints. /mnt/win breaks the moment you have multiple
windows partitions.

The tree-structure thing would require updates every three months and
no-one would actually use it.

I think the most we can lay down is that /mnt is the preferred place for
mounting things, temporary or otherwise, and that polluting / with
/floppy, /cdrom is bad, because someone will then have to invent
/lawnmower in two years' time.


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