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Re: New repo and some fixes for Gophernicus

On 28 Jan 2018, at 18:00, Kim Holviala <kimholviala@fastmail.com> wrote:

> Gophernicus now has a new home at Github and a new rolling release model - there will be no moar tar.gz releases, the git master branch at Github is the current "release" and is always stable.

I'm still not convinced about the versioning... but I really hate the 2.x versions that I had to manage manually so for now I'll stay with the rolling releases.

Things changed since yesterday:

* Building on NetBSD works out of the box again
* Building on latest Ubuntu works out of the box again
* TCP wrapper libs had changed strangely... building against them has been fixed now
* GCC v7 has some new range check warnings which are useless and hidden now
* The code now checks the return value of every fgets() (I don't think there were any security bugs)
* The /server-status had some privacy leaks which have been fixed
* The /server-status can be disabled with a new -nt switch

I'm still leaving building agaist TCP wrappers as the default even if they seem to cause endless build problems (but a simple 'make generic' will get rid of the wrappers if they cause problems).

GIT repo: https://github.com/kimholviala/gophernicus

- Kim

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