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Re: [gopher] Running a gopher server under Docker

On 01 Apr 2015, at 15:51, Edward Vielmetti <edward.vielmetti@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone who has built a gopher server have a configuration
> for running it under Docker?

I don’t, and I’m the author of Gophernicus (the server that Gentoo is using). I’m a professional sysadmin during daytime and I never really figured out a good reason to use Docker. For development it’s ok’ish but for production it’s complete rubbish… And yes, being a sysadmin I tend to look down on developers and their post-2000 technologies :-D.

Anyway, Gophernicus does not have any other dependencies than the standard C library and some superserver to handle the TCP sessions (inetd or xinetd, systemd should work too). The other gopher servers are reallly light on deps too - bucktooth just requires perl, PyGopherd python and the rest of the common servers pretty much only need a C compiler and library.

Hmm… just as practice I might do a Dockerfile - not a bad idea.

- Kim

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