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Re: [gopher] History and future of "the gopher project"


again thanks for the answers and again an intermediate result ...

It's mainly that there is nobody on this list during the past two weeks who
expresses interrest in a future gopher project that unites the efforts of many
gopherians still alive/active.

In the last week I tried to explain how I can imagine a future gopher project.
I tried to reduce fear that the gopher protocol or the way it might be used
would change significant with a future gopher project. This process lead to a
"reveiling" (to me) that there are more authorities or central spaces in
gopherspace than one might think at the first moment (not meaning that the
authorities want to be authorities, but they are treated like authorities some

And that's it so far. I won't go any futher concerning a future gopher project
as long as no one claims interrest. Might be that I will have some content that
I consider interresting for others too, that I will have some spare time and
spare hardware and that I will provide it to gopherspace.


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