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Re: [gopher] GopherMole - a gopher media crawler

On 2015-01-03 12:13, Mateusz Viste wrote:
> On 01/03/2015 11:46 AM, James Mills wrote:
> > Or does a Client query a Gopherd for CAPS
> > and if it sees "Encoding: utf-8" assumes *all*
> > content it receives from *that* Gopherd is
> > encoded in UTF-8?
> That's what I was suggesting, yes.
> One could argue that a single server might contain a plethora of 
> documents, each of which would be encoded in a specific charset, and 
> that's certainly a possibility. But in practice, I have always seen 
> servers saying (in human language, mainly on their root page) "this 
> server is serving content in utf-8", and rarely or never "this specific 
> document is encoded in xyz".

What about multi-user systems, such as sdf and sdf-eu, where different
users may have different kinds of documents?

> But still, the CAPS capability I was suggesting was about a "default" 
> encoding, that is, "if not specified otherwise, assume everything on 
> this server is encoded in this encoding". That way, if one day there is 
> a mechanism that allows to specify the charset on a per-document basis, 
> both won't collide (although I doubt such specific mechanism will 
> appear, but of course one can never be sure of the future).
> Currently, gopher clients are supposed to assume ISO Latin 1, as per RFC 
> 1436. The ServerDefaultCharset CAPS setting I was suggesting in my 
> message from 31st of December, 2014, was simply a way to overload that 
> RFC charset.
> Mateusz

Nuno Silva (aka njsg)
Helsinki, Finland

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