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Re: [gopher] Someone out there with python skills want to help?

On 6.10.2010 12:07, daniel g wrote:

there must be more than one way to skin a cat.
is there a way u or anyone knows to get a gophermap to patch thru to the
os or to the gophermap so I can write in a hit counter?

1) Remove pygopherd, install gophernicus
2) Create a gophermap and in it have a line like this:

=/path/to/counter.sh "Woohoo! You're number " "."

Here's the (grossly over-engineered) counter.sh:


## A simple visitor counter to use with gophermaps
## Usage: counter.sh <pre message> <post message>

# Figure out a safe file to keep our counter
HASH=`echo "$SELECTOR" | md5sum | cut -d" " -f1`

# Get count and the previous visitors IP address
COUNT="`cut -d' ' -f1 $FILE`"
OLD_ADDR="`cut -d' ' -f2 $FILE`"

# Increase counter only if the user is new
if [ "$OLD_ADDR" != "$REMOTE_ADDR" ]; then
        COUNT=$(( COUNT + 1 ))
        echo "$COUNT $REMOTE_ADDR" > $FILE

# Output counter message
echo "$1$COUNT$2"

The reason I wrote Gophernicus was that none of the existing gopher servers did what I wanted them to do. Not that they're bad software, I just had different ideas.

- Kim

Gopher-Project mailing list

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