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Re: [gopher] GopherVR 0.4

On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Cameron Kaiser wrote:

Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 12:00:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Cameron Kaiser <spectre@floodgap.com>
Reply-To: Gopher Project Discussion <gopher-project@lists.alioth.debian.org>
To: gopher-project@lists.alioth.debian.org
Subject: Re: [gopher] GopherVR 0.4

I've managed to change the colour of gophervr by adding

gophervr*background:	#ece9db
gophervr*foreground:    black

to my .Xdefaults.
I was wondering if there is a full list of Xdefaults resources for
gophervr anywhere?

I haven't itemized a list, no, but specifying most of the standard
Motif resources will probably work in .Xdefaults.

OK, next question... At the moment the helper applications are defined in
the code now as I'm using Linux I need to change these so where in the
source code should I be looking? (I have had a browse but nothing jumped
out at me).

SelectGopherDir() in gophervr/gopherto3d.c contains the "actions" when
a particular object is selected, organized by itemtype. For example, if
you look for "Applications" you'll find the strings for the Mac OS X version;
you should be able to hack in your own.

That code does need to be rewritten; it isn't the cleanest or safest way
to handle what it's doing, and it should be getting those commands from
prefs or at least the environment. That'll be a job for the near future.

Thank's, that did the trick, I can now view images and html stuff.



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