[gopher] Re: Unveiling the Overbite Project (and other announcements)
Cameron, just to be sure, did you receive my email with a screenshot and
description of the error with displaying links to files in Russian
version which seems to be some unicode rendering problem? It's the same
in 1.0-1381.
Cameron Kaiser wrote:
> This message is really, really long. Here goes:
> ** OverbiteFF for Firefox 3: "RTM"
> With the release of Firefox 3 RC2, I took the wraps off OverbiteFF. This is
> the release version, 1.0-1381. It does have some small changes, including a
> bug fix for port access, additional explicit ports and CSS tweaks, so it is a
> recommended download if you are still using -1380. We'll see if anyone gets
> the joke on the build number. ;-)
> You can now preview the Overbite Project pages. There are HTTP and Gopher
> versions:
> http://gopher.floodgap.com/overbite/
> gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/overbite/
> (These are not publicly announced yet, but you can access them.) The
> HTTP and Gopher pages are largely drawn from the same data store, so
> people will get mostly the same views.
> Additional language packs are still being accepted from translators and I
> will gladly add them to OverbiteFF 1.1.
> ** Calling for OverbiteFF skins
> If you are or you were making your own skin for OverbiteFF, I would love to
> host them. I think this would give people something fun to play with -- I
> know Avery wanted some interface changes: Avery, did you come up with something
> of your own? The skins folder is here:
> gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/overbite/files/skins
> I'm going to be playing with this a little myself, but I'd love some
> community contributions.
> ** Mozilla Gopher activism
> When Firefox 3 is released, I will be putting the FF3 add-on up to the
> Mozilla official add-ons site, and then petitioning bug #388195 for one
> of the following:
> - Permission to backport the JavaScript to Core and then the add-on can
> go away. I am doubtful, however, that this would be permitted given the
> response by Brendan Eich. However, it had been suggested before.
> or,
> - Get the add-on into the release notes for FF4. I don't see how they could
> regard this as unreasonable.
> The other thing that will need to be done is to remind them that Gopher
> support must stay in 1.9. This was stated by Brendan in the thread. I'll
> notify the list to watch this bug when I start making announcements there
> to make sure they keep to it.
> ** Firefox 2 version (and later Camino 1.6 version)
> For Firefox 2.0 owners, now that the FF3 version is finalized, I am working
> on backporting it to This should actually not take very long; if
> I did it right, there should be only two or three areas that need changing.
> I hope to have an FF2 beta within a couple of weeks.
> FF2 will use the same language packs as FF3. The Camino version will follow
> but there are some additional technical issues due to that browser's very
> limited add-on support.
> Skins should also work in FF2, but some of the Cairo-based rendering will
> probably not.
> ** bucktooth 0.2.5
> Finally, bucktooth 0.2.5 should be released later today or this weekend with
> some important fixes, so stay tuned.
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