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[gopher] Re: OverbiteFF build 1291

I don't know if this was just in your email or you are doing this in  
the software too, but you shouldn't use locale codes in your  
translations unless you have a general version for that language too.
For example, my OS's ordered language fallback list looks like this:
en_GB, en, de, fr, la, cy, hu, gd, ru

if the software has a set of localisations as listed:

{ de_DE, en_US, es_ES, hu_HU, nl_NL, pl_PL }

then no suitable translation will be found. If however it had the set:

{ de, en, es, hu, nl, pl }

then my second item would find a match.

As another example, say you have two translations for a language,  
fr_FR and fr_CA, you should use either { fr, fr_CA } or { fr, fr_FR }  
as your set, so that someone from Algeria, Martinique or Guyana who's  
preferences are set for those regions can fall back to a default  
french. Otherwise they would get the 'fallback langauge' which is  
probably english!
i.e. the user requests "fr_GY, fr" the app has "fr_FR, fr_CA, en_US"  
and en_US is set to be the application's fallback if no match is  
found, then the user will get english.

On 15 May 2008, at 4:26 AM, Cameron Kaiser wrote:

> Build 1291 of the OverbiteFF beta is available for Firefox 3. If you  
> are not
> running 3.0b5, please update to the latest 3.0 beta.
> This fixes a bug with pathologic item types (similar to the security  
> problem
> with the last one, but in a better way), and has better port number  
> management.
> It also includes all of the localized language paks I have so far  
> received,
> namely de-DE, en-US, es-ES, hu-HU, nl-NL and pl-PL. I have not  
> received back
> the jp-JP, da-DK and ru-RU translations yet ... just a gentle  
> reminder :) and
> if there are any other languages represented out there, please  
> contribute! It's
> only a few prompt files that need changing and can be done very  
> easily.
> Please make sure that your local language works correctly, and  
> report any
> other bugs. Verify that build 1291 is installed (about:overbite); it  
> should
> automatically pop up the brag screen after the update is  
> consummated. If I
> have not credited you for your test report or localization, or done so
> incorrectly, advise me right away.
> Once FF3 is finalized, then I'll start working on backporting  
> OverbiteFF to
> Firefox 2.x, and Camino 1.6 (as OverbiteCa). Shouldn't be long now.  
> The other
> big plan will be to ask to port OverbiteFF into Mozilla Core on  
> #388195,
> although I doubt it will survive feature complete, so the add-on  
> will still
> be maintained.
> 	gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/9/overbiteff.xpi

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