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[gopher] one more call for translators

One more call for help with l10n/i18n support for OverbiteFF -- we have
Spanish, Dutch, Polish and English, and could definitely use more European
languages and at least a couple Asian languages. I know we have French and
Japanese speakers on this list -- would you care to try? It's only around 20
very simple prompts to get the ball rolling.

For those who have not used OverbiteFF, you can download it for Firefox 3


This is a BETA version only and should be considered buggy until proven
otherwise. There are actually a couple minor bugs in it but these are not
severe and will be fixed with the next beta release.

------------------------------------ personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckaiser@floodgap.com
-- If it weren't for Carbon-14, I wouldn't date at all. -- "Diesel Sweeties" --

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