[gopher] Re: Cicada Incomplete Gopher Census
Il giorno Thu, 27 May 2004, Tim Fraser così ha scritto:
| While
|my program is not perfect, its results still seem interesting: After
|spidering intermittently between Sunday 23 May and Thursday 27 May
|2004, I found 154 Gopher servers live and ready to serve useful data.
|I found an additional 16 live Gophers that could not serve any useful
|data due to an inability to access their log files, configuration
|files, data directories, or back-end NNTP servers.
My own (route-add.net) must lay somewhere between these two cases: I believe
it was properly built, installed and configured (a pygopherd server running
on a Debian-SPARC GNU/Linux system). However I'm yet to add useful files in
its' home directory, right now there's just one file with a greeting message
(in Italian) that I used to test the server.
I know I am to write some sort of file that would add selectors and
informational text to the plain directory listing, I guess I'm going to
find out how to do that browsing in the pygopherd/doc directory or in the
documents in gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/9/gopher/tech/ask.tar.Z. However
I've beeing too busy to do that and I'm soon going to leave for two months.
Would someone fnd something horrible (or simply not OK) about that server,
please let me know, since I'm a thorough beginner with Gopher and would regret
exposing my server to malicious hacks due to errors in its configuration.
Thank you,
Bellum se ipsum alet
La guerra nutre se stessa
Livio, "Ab urbe condita", XXXIV,9
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