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[gopher] Pygopherd and xinetd

  I finally set pygopherd_2.0.9 up and running on route-add.net, after 
installing python2.3 side to side with the server's native python2.1.
I noticed that I cannot run it from xinetd, when I try to I get this error in 
the log:

May 25 20:28:16 brillante pygopherd[25192]: Pygopherd starting, using 
configuration file /etc/pygopherd/pygopherd.conf
May 25 20:28:17 brillante pygopherd[25192]: mimetypes initialized with files: 
['./conf/mime.types', '/etc/pygopherd/mime.types', '/etc/mime.types']
May 25 20:28:18 brillante pygopherd[25192]: unknown-address [None/None] 
EXCEPTION error: (48, 'Address already in use')
May 25 20:28:18 brillante pygopherd[25192]: Application startup NOT successful!

  When I run it as a standalone server, it runs all right.  When I wan to run 
it as a xinetd-run service, I put "detach = yes" in 
/etc/pygopherd/pygopherd.conf.  Everything else is aantered, including:

usechroot = yes
setuid = gopher
setgid = gopher

  The xinetd file describing the service read as follows:

service pygopher
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        port            = 70
        wait            = no
        disable         = yes
        only_from       =
        user            = root
        server          = /usr/local/bin/pygopherd
        flags           = IDONLY

  Is it normal tha pygopherd cannot be run from xinetd?

Oh, by the way, John, I noticed this typo in the pygopherd/README file:

>For installing:
>1. Run pytohn2.2 setup.py install



Bellum se ipsum alet
       La guerra nutre se stessa

Livio, "Ab urbe condita", XXXIV,9

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