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[gopher] Re: PyGopherd UMN Broken

>>ignorepatt = /\.|/.cap$|/lost\+found$|/lib$|/bin$|/etc$|/dev$|~$|/\.cache|/\.forward$|/\.message$|/\.hushlogin$|/\.kermrc$|/\.notar$|/\.where$|/veronica.ctl$|/robots.txt$|/nohup.out$|/gophermap$|\.abstract$|\.keyboards$|\.ask|\.3d$|~$
> It's the leading /\. rule.  You're making the UMN directory handler ignore
> any file that starts with a dot, so it does not process the .Links file at
> all.  I have committed a note to the offlineimap.conf comments to clarify
> the situation.

Why isn't that the case with files under .cap?

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