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Bug#1041708: Bug#1051979: Do not suggest APT::Default-Release setting


As far as I understand, my text comes from:
  $ man apt_preferences 

Since Bug#1041708 was mentioned, I CC it.

I concur more-or-less with what Julian Andres Klode said for the solution.

I think what is needed is:
  by way of being not set up anymore, 
  nor presenting impression of recommendation in release notes.

## Debian Reference

As for the entry document such as Debian Reference, 

I should skip mentioning setting "APT::Default-Release" to whatever since
setting it in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/* tends to cause persistent confusing setting.

If someone dare to set such thing, use /etc/apt/preferences with PIN priority. 
I have such example already with ample warnings.

## man apt_preferences

What is written there is 100% correct.  But it does create impression of using 

   APT::Default-Release "stable";

as a part of normal system configuration to some readers.

I think this document needs to explain apt system functionality thoroughly,
dropping use of `APT::Default-Release` reference may not be a option.

I propose to replace this line with 

   APT::Default-Release "testing";

I think this don't drive people to set this to "stable" as much.

If I go farther, to make deprecated usage of APT::Default-Release in
/etc/apt/apt.conf more explicit, I suggest that the following part:

   Note that this has precedence over any general priority you set in the
   /etc/apt/preferences file described later, but not over specifically pinned
   packages. For example,
should be changed to something along:

   Note that this has precedence over any general priority you set in the
   /etc/apt/preferences file described later, but not over specifically pinned
   packages. (In order to avoid confusion with /etc/apt/preferences settings,
   use of APT::Default-Release in /etc/apt/apt.conf is deprecated.)  For

That's my thought on this topic.


On Mon, 2023-09-18 at 10:24 +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 16/09/2023 15:37, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> > So my first thought was replace it with:
> > 
> > - Release definition in "/etc/apt/apt.conf" configuration file started with
> > "APT::Default-Release"
> > 
> > But As I read complicationa it causes from your messages, let's drop it.  I
> > don't use it anyway.
> Since the "APT::Default-Release" option is present in the document for 
> years, I would prefer to see a warning close to the current place where 
> it is mentioned. Consider somebody is asked about this setting and their 
> opens the reference to provide a link. Completely disappeared mention 
> may make them thinking that it was seen in another document.
> I do not insist however. I admit that removing obsolete material 
> completely is widely used practice, so I am OK with your plan to just 
> drop it.
>  From my point of view, it is worst variant when "APT::Default-Release" 
> is described without the not so trivial regexp or without a warning 
> concerning complications. This feature evolved into a kind of pitfall.
> Thank you for your work on debian-reference.

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