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Re: where is tag 1.4.7

Hi Igor,

On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 01:32:02AM +0300, Igor Kozhukhov wrote:
> could you please help me identify changeset for 1.4.7 release?

Sorry about that, the tag wasn't pushed, but it is now so here you go. :)
(And thanks for notifying us!)

> also, additiona question: how can i tyr to upstream of my chnages to be more flexible with next APT updates?

I had a quick look over the changes, but they aren't individual commits,
so that is a bit hard to deceiver what is changed and why. Some comments,
but you should really split the changes up so we can discuss them
individually (I am commenting mostly to give you an idea of what should
be individual, needs explaining & so on).

Some of them look like we could move them to the vendor/ system (like
the variable setting in apt-key.in as it was intended).

Other I don't understand like /bin/sh -> /bin/bash – are you telling me
that dilos has no shell in /bin/sh? Wouldn't that be really hard
compatibility wise as Debian packages assume left and right that /bin/sh
is a shell with the features required by Debian policy.

Removing systemd/symbolsfile/cron seems a bit overkill, we could just
not install them, couldn't we?

debian/apt.conf.autoremove we could either include by default or include
in a vendor/ specific configuration file.

Not creating and using _apt is a bit sad, is there a deeper reason this
doesn't work on dilos?

Re-enabling SHA1 is something we wont be very happy with.

The std::locale changes I don't understand – do those not work on dilos
or what is happening here?

The developer-java-jdk thingy we can do with some changes to the vendor/
system similar to how the keyring package name is vendored. For Debian
we don't need those dependencies anymore, but I can envision more
platform still having this deprecated java "annotation processing tool".

The zone feature I don't quite understand. It does look a bit like
a more user-friendly way of "install .debs in ~", something people
talked about recently in debian-devel@. Your BASEDIR also looks a bit
like what we since recently call DPKG_ROOT.

The "actual" porting things have some overlap with Julians previous
attempts at portability to Fink, MacOS and Freebsd [0], with some
commits merged some not. I e.g. see commits in there autodetecting
versionscript usage while you are removing it, so with some additional
work here we can probably merge those and benefit porting not just to
Dilos but other platforms as well.

I would be very happy if we can reach a "no source differences" stage between
Debian and Dilos, just like we have it with e.g. Ubuntu.

So long story short, feel free to contact us about these or other changes
here on the list and/or join our IRC channel #debian-apt for more impromptu

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

[0] branches in https://github.com/julian-klode/apt

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