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Pinning a package to release *and* origin


(Kindly CC me as I am not subscribed to this list)

Is it possible to pin a release to *both* origin and release?

E.g. something like:

Package: package-name
Pin: release a=wheezy-backports, origin http.debian.net
Pin-Priority: 500

If so, what is the correct method?
I tried out a couple of things but am not fully understanding if this is working by pure coincidence only
or if this is designed that way.

If not, is there any particular reason for that?
(Besides not being implemented that way ;) )

My reason for doing so:
When using a variety of APT repository (e.g. private, http.debian.net, cdn.debian.net, etc.),
a finer grained pinning might be an advantage.

Also, i thought that this comes in handy in reference to
to not break backwards compatibility.

DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc.     |   E-Mail.  raoul@bhatia.at
Software Development and       |   Web.     http://raoul.bhatia.at/
System Administration          |   Tel.     +43 699 10132530

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