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Prepending parent values in Configuration::FindFile

Hello again

Is there some reason why FindFile stops prepending parent values at
the first parent with an empty value?

I ask because aptitude makes an attempt at using this mechanism to
locate it's state files, however, wishes also to keep a somewhat
distinct namespace:

 Dir "/srv/sid";
 Dir::State "var/lib/apt";
 Dir::Aptitude "";
 Dir::Aptitude::State "var/lib/aptitude";

 FindFile("Dir::State") => "/srv/sid/var/lib/apt"
 FindFile("Dir::Aptitude::State") => "var/lib/aptitude"

[Dir is usually "/" to have all sub-items be absolute paths.]

One can always use RootDir to achieve *almost* the same effect.

Assuming there is no particular reason for it, could FindFile not
simply skip over empty parents?


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