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Bug#476075: closed by Osamu Aoki <osamu@debian.org> (apt-get removes as instructed. Not a bug)


Thanks for your answer.

Osamu Aoki wrote:

I do not see the need for your suggestion.

I think you problem are * POSIX regular expression need to be studied. * you are complainig auto remove.
Finally, in fact, I do not understand the algorithm. For ex., when I execute apt-get -s remove ^openof.*, why aspell is removed, but ttf-opensymbol not? I have both on my system.

^ means "string start with" thus ttf-opensymbol is not met.
* means 0 or more repeat
So you are essentially matching name starting with "opn"

aspell must have been installed by dependency.  If you ignore warning,
that is your fault.
What does it mean "identical to install except that packages are removed"? I know that installing means "install them and all their currently uninstalled dependencies, recursively". Does remove means "remove them and all its dependencies, and recursively all the dependencies of dependencies"?

I think I understand: remove removes all the packages X matching pattern and all the packages installed on that system DURING THE INSTALLATION of X because X depended on them, is this right?

This means that apt-get install memorises each time what packages are installed by dependency for what package, is this right?

Where in the man page is this explained?

When ever you issue command from root with regrex or glob, you must be
very careful.  Matching 3 letters to do remove is bad move.

Do you think that showing the packages to be removed and adding a confirmation before remove is a good idea?

Eugen Dedu

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