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Bug#476075: closed by Osamu Aoki <osamu@debian.org> (apt-get removes as instructed. Not a bug)


I do not see the need for your suggestion.

I think you problem are 
 * POSIX regular expression need to be studied.
 * you are complainig auto remove.  

> Finally, in fact, I do not understand the algorithm.  For ex., when I  
> execute apt-get -s remove ^openof.*, why aspell is removed, but  
> ttf-opensymbol not?  I have both on my system.

^ means "string start with" thus ttf-opensymbol is not met.
* means 0 or more repeat
So you are essentially matching name starting with "opn"

aspell must have been installed by dependency.  If you ignore warning,
that is your fault.

> What does it mean "identical to install except that packages are  
> removed"?  I know that installing means "install them and all their  
> currently uninstalled dependencies, recursively".  Does remove means  
> "remove them and all its dependencies, and recursively all the  
> dependencies of dependencies"?

When ever you issue command from root with regrex or glob, you must be
very careful.  Matching 3 letters to do remove is bad move.

>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=476075

PS: autoremove was popular demand.

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