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proposal for apt-get

First of all...

Thank you very much for mantain a realy, realy without compare applitacion to manage the package in our systems....


I have a proposal thinking in the future...

Due to the number of package nowadays in debian (sid), I should recomend the OPTIONAL use of a database engine (SQL) to manage the metainformation of the packages.

The search and updates could be mouch more efective and customized.

This option must be optional because the requirement of a db engine couldn't be the basic requirement...

I think if apt-get have a tier to access the matainformation this could be customized in many ways...

an example all the files package.list could be storage in a table...
a relational table of packages dependences, packages intalled not installed previous versions installed etc... a historial of when was installed a package.... statistics...notes...

the information could be really impresive...

if not every system need all this power a lot of users could enjoy and love it...

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Jaime Ochoa Malagón
Integrated Technology
Tel: (55) 52 54 26 10

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