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Bug#275852: parseTagFile: unable to cope with 'hurd-i386' architecture in sid Release files.

Ok, I've got something fix-like ready ;)

pkgTagSection::Scan() isn't really able to handle the case where
\n\n isn't found in the string, it just lacks a way to report back
this special error. Due to its design it also can't handle more than
one buffer at once. Additionally pkgTagFile::Buffer has a fixed size
of pkgTagFile::Size (defaulting to 32kb). So it would be hard to
feed larger portions of data to pkgTagSection::Scan() anyway.

So I've modified pkgTagFile::Fill() (the function that fetches the
data from the tag file and stuffs it into Buffer) to check if Buffer
actually contains a double newline sequence after the read().  If
it's not found the buffer size is doubled (new double-size buffer is
allocated, data copied over, old one is deleted). Then another read
is tried, and double NL search starts again. This is done on loop,
until there is no more data to read, or a double NL is found.

The new Fill() remembers which area of Buffer have already been
scanned, and avoids rescanning them.

Shrinking of the buffer is not implemented. It will be deleted
anyway, once the pkgTagFile object is destroyed itself. Also
I don't expect Buffer to grow extremely large. We didn't hit this
bug until now that sid's Release file grew > 32k. So 64k should be
enough for some time again.

The only significant overhead that my fix has is the copying of the
data from the old to the new Buffer. If it turns out that this will
be a problem (which I really don't believe, since even for 1Mb
release files we only do 5 loops: 32*2^5) we could use a list/vector
of buffers and then do the memcpy()'ing all at a time. This way we
wouldn't copy the same data at the beginning of Buffer around all
the time.

The fix compiles and works fine here, it's available as
Greek0@gmx.net--2005-main/apt--debian--0.6--patch-4 at


PS: Not yet tagged +patch, since I think that I could perhaps come
up with a nicer fix sometime soon.

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