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Bug#285826: more info

the other day, over at #debian-devel:

< Q_> I think the proper way to deal with this would be to have a 
      virtual package that is provided by both sysv-rc and file-rc and 
      have sysvinit depend on it.
< madduck> good idea...
< madduck> still, sysv-rc is required.
< madduck> 'required'
< Q_> sysvinit is "required" too.
< madduck> wouldn't that cause APT to bitch too?
< Q_> madduck: But then you can depend on sysv-rc | virtual package
< Q_> And sysv-rc wouldn't need to be required anymore.
< madduck> okay, good idea.
< madduck> i will propose this to d-d.
< madduck> Q_: sysv-rc would need to be required still
< madduck> because required packages cannot depend on anything less.
< madduck> and if a virtual package cannot be satisfied from required, 
           it's a problem.
< madduck> thus, the problem persists.
< madduck> may i quote this IRC log to the bug?
< doogie> note, that essential packages must *always* work
< doogie> even when in just an unpacked state
< Q_> madduck: Sure.
< Q_> madduck: Where is that requirement that required packages can only 
      depend on required packages?  I can't find it in the policy, but I 
      do seem to recall it.
< madduck> Q_: Packages must not depend on packages with lower priority 
           values (excluding build-time dependencies).
< madduck> http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-priorities
< Q_> madduck: Ah, yes.
< Q_> madduck: And file-rc is even extra.
< madduck> yes. :)
< madduck> the solution would be to rewrite it to divert sysv-rc out of 
           the way...
 * madduck files another wishlist

 .''`.     martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, user, and author
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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