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Re: Bug#179868: apt: no way to really use Pin: origin, at least with cdroms

>>>>> "jg" == Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@debian.org> writes:

jg> On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Dan Jacobson wrote:

>> we see that priorities are all bunk: 111 vs. 888 and it still chooses
>> 111.  So why differentiate all the numbers between 100 and 990 if in
>> fact they are all the same. why not just call them "priority C" or
>> something. Ok enough for today.

jg> You are confusing the selection of verion with the selection of download
jg> source. Since all your examples deal with only 1 version available through
jg> the internet and through a CDROM they are invalid.

the doc said:

         A note of caution: the keyword used in the  APT  prefer-
         ences  file to select the source site is "origin".  This
         may lead one to confuse the source site with  the  "Ori-
         gin:"  of  a  release  as  specified  in a Release file.
         Recall that what follows the "Origin:" tag in a  Release
         file  generally  is  not an Internet site address but an
         author or vendor name, such as "Debian" or "Ximian".

So I thought I already got that level of confusion dealt with.
Pin: release o=Debian
Pin: origin debian.linux.org.tw
See, I was using the latter.

It said source _site_. And debian.linux.org.tw indeed caused it to
match, as seen with apt-cache policy. BTW

       policy policy is ment to help debug issues relating to the  preferences

jg> Preferences will never allow you to select download source. That is not
jg> it's purpose.

OK, if "source site" doesn't mean download source, than maybe it means
file: vs. http: vs. cdrom: etc. but my tinkerings never produced a
match on these.

jg> To control the select of download source you need to order your
jg> sources.list by preference. This is documented someplace. Yes you have to
jg> sometimes do some manual things for the reordering to take effect. 

[Maybe bring this ordering into a complete points system by giving each
item one extra point counting from the bottom... no, never mind.
I know, new policy: if there is a tie with the numbers, then we use
the highest one in the sources.list...]

Anyways there is an undeniable bug that just reordering sources.list
is not enough to stimulate changes getting registered.
If I were them i'd just check if it changed since last time i compiled
the database...
http://jidanni.org/ Taiwan(04)25854780

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