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Re: Bug#179868: apt: no way to really use Pin: origin, at least with cdroms

>>>>> "dm" == Daniel M?ler <daniel.mueller@tm.uka.de> writes:

dm> In summary, your posting seems to contain two different points:
dm> 1. the format of the pin origin being unsufficiently documented and
dm> 2. apt downloading an other file than the one listed with the highest 
dm>    priority.

3. changes to sources.list have no effect unless one removes or adds
   deb lines. In particular one can change the order of entries all
   one wants, but without removing or adding something, apt-get will
   not be aware of your changes.

dm> Concerning the second: In all your examples, the files on the cdrom and
dm> the http mirror were identical (which apt decided using a hash over some
dm> header fields in the respective package files). After one of them got
dm> selected due to its high priority, apt doesn't care any longer which of
dm> them to install, it just uses the first one (which is also the one that 
dm> is listed first in sources.list).

well, then there is no actual "1000 different levels" of priority as
we are lead to believe by just staring at the numbers.  There is no
actual comparison ever of say 515 vs. 530 ... One cannot ever depend
on, _all other factors being equal_, comparing priority numbers.  It is
rather like all students with A automatically get to go on the bus.
If there are no A's, then we pick the first B student on the list.

Therefore, if this is true, I don't suppose you will get rid of the
numbers, but be sure go over this in depth in the docs, as it sure
fooled me.
http://jidanni.org/ Taiwan(04)25854780

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