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Bug#57216: bashism in /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/install

On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 12:03:18 +0100, Richard Braakman wrote:
> # ash compatibility is not a release goal for potato
> severity 57216 normal

I will accept your decision in this matter, however I strongly
disagree. Please consider the following excerpt from section 4.4 of the
Debian Policy Manual:

     The standard shell interpreter `/bin/sh' may be a symbolic link to
     any POSIX compatible shell. Thus, shell scripts specifying
     `/bin/sh' as interpreter may only use POSIX features. If a script
     requires non-POSIX features from the shell interpreter, the
     appropriate shell has to be specified in the first line of the
     script (e.g., `#!/bin/bash') and the package has to depend on the
     package providing the shell (unless the shell package is marked
     `Essential', e.g., in the case of bash).

     Restrict your script to POSIX features when possible so that it
     may use /bin/sh as its interpreter. If your script works with ash,
     it's probably POSIX compliant, but if you are in doubt, use

I know for certain that a number of systems use ash as /bin/sh, and are
therefore likely to encounter this problem after updating to potato.
Because they are in compliance with Debian policy, I believe that it
would be a mistake to release potato with dselect's apt method known to
be broken due to the use of non-POSIX syntax in a /bin/sh script.

Anyway, I've said my piece, so I'll let it lie now... Cheers!

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