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Re: few questions

On Sun, May 02, 1999 at 05:18:13PM -0600, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> Hmm, I don't really understand your question, what are you asking?
Sorry for being unclear. :)

Let's we have a package with a complex Depends and Pre-Depends dependencies.
At the moment, the package is installed, which means that all those
dependencies are satisfied.  I want to know what was satisfied to allow this
package to be installed.  For example, in case

Package: A
Depends: B | C

I want to get either B or C depending on what is installed. Or, in case,

Package: A
Depends: B, (C | D)

I want to get B and C or D, again, depending on what is installed.  Does it
make more sense? :)


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