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Re: Greetings

Some comments on what is already done in gnome-apt...

On Sun, 21 Mar 1999, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
>  You can create your own Progress class to interface with a GTK progress
>  meter, an example of this is in gui/progress.cc.

I already did this for gnome-apt so here you get a freebie. :-)
> Recomended Implementation
>  The best way to make use of the library in a GUI is with an owner draw
>  tree widget. In most GUI implementations this means you pass an object
>  handle and a draw function to the tree. To get the best use out of the
>  library you would pass the package pointer to the tree and a draw
>  function that gets it's information directly from the cache. This does
>  two things,
>    1) Assures minimal memory usage by not duplicating strings
>    2) Assures the tree is always perfectly in sync with the state of the
>       package in the fastest manner possible

I also have a hideous implementation of this in gnome-apt; if you read the
gnome-apt home page, you'll see that one of the TODO items is to rewrite
it. I have a start on such a rewrite on the Gnome CVS server, but I am not
very far along yet. Still, if you want to write this you will probably
want to look at what I have so far. I'm redoing it with a generic Gtk
widget in C.

>  want to make a function that takes the error text and puts it into a
>  dialog, see gui/errorshow.cc.

I have this in gnome-apt too...
>  Very soon the new tree will have the completed acquire system which will
>  allow you to write a pretty front end to the download progress meter,
>  that's not finished yet though.

It is now, I think. I already have the frontend in gnome-apt also.

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