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ftp method


	I just tested dslect update with ftp.debian.org in my
 sourcelist, and things went fine. I am downloading for dselct
 install, so I think this baby works.

	I have checked in the ftp method (Scott: one can get a man
 page by running pod2man methods/ftp/ftp > ftp.1 or HTML using
 pod2html  or what have you).

	I vaguely remember Culus asking for another perl related task,
 but i forget what it was.

 Overall, the philosophy is to attack the availability problem from
 two complementary directions: to reduce the number of software errors
 through rigorous testing of running systems, and to reduce the effect
 of the remaining errors by providing for recovery from them.  An
 interesting footnote to this design is that now a system failure can
 usually be considered to be the result of two program errors: the
 first, in the program that started the problem; the second, in the
 recovery routine that could not protect the system.  -- A. L. Scherr,
 "Functional Structure of IBM Virtual Storage Operating Systems, Part
 II: OS/VS-2 Concepts and Philosophies," IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 12,
 No. 4, 1973, pp. 382-400
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

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