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Re: Bug#24717: apt dies early if one postinst/preinst dies

> failing post-insts. So as bad as this seems there is not really anything
> that can be done without support from dpkg.

I'll assume that there are requests/bug reports on this lack of

> The best thing for you to have done is to have held the X packages before

The apt docs only make oblique references to "hold", as if it were
something I'd be expected to already know about... but dpkg only
mentions it as something to override, and dselect isn't particularly
documented (not that I have any intention of running it - dselect is
a large part of why I'm interested in apt :-)

> installing. I don't recall if X puts this in the preinst or the postinst

preinst (it keeps running it, in fact, so this "hold" feature should
deal with it...)

> Personally, x should NOT fail like this, I think it's a major abuse of the
> packaging system :>

Any time we need to abuse the packaging system like this in order to
do something that very clearly avoids hurting the user, we should
indeed extend the packaging system to handle it; I haven't seen
suggestions for good ways to do that, but I'm way behind on

Oh, and note that xbase isn't the only case of this - currently, the
combination of "tm" and "emacs20" also causes postinst failures - so
this is a problem that apt needs to handle in general, *not* just
because X is being excessively creative.

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