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apt-cache docs

Branden, here is a quick rundown on apt-cache

 apt-cache command cache [...]

There are no options

Command may be one of

cache must be a package cache file (ie /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin)

add - Add a new set of package records to the cache, remaining arguments
are of the form
Dist and ver can be any string and is not used right now.

showpkg - Displays the packages listed on the command line, output looks

Package: libreadline2
Versions: 2.1-8,2.1-7,
Reverse Depends:
2.1-8 - libc5 ncurses3.0 ldso
2.1-7 - ldso libc5 ncurses3.0 

It shows the package, it's reverse dependancies and forward dependancies
for each version

stats - prints some statistics on the cache - looks like

Total Package Names : 2415
  Normal Packages: 1839
  Pure Virtual Packages: 76
  Single Virtual Packages: 69
  Mixed Virtual Packages: 30
  Missing: 401
Total Distinct Versions: 2089
Total Dependencies: 6394 

Lets see, 'Pure Virtual' means there is no package with the same name as
the provides, 'Single Virtual' means only one package provides it and
Mixed means there are both providing packages and packages with the same

mail-transport-agent is pure
dhcpd is mixed
I can't find any single but there are 69 of em

dump shows the packages, versions and forwards dependancies for everything

dumpavail prints an avail file from the cache

Refer the reader to /usr/doc/apt/cache* to understand what the cache is
and what it does [technical].


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