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Re: diety date?


	Maybe someone should answer this guy? Do we have a ball park
 figure? Or, failing that, an idea of how many of the modules have
 been designed, and how many have been coded, and what remains to be
 done? I think it is important to have that, for internal use if for
 nothing else.

>>"Paul" == Paul J Thompson <thomppj@thomppj.student.okstate.edu> writes:

Paul> i keep hearing all this stuff about "diety is going to have
Paul> this..."  etc, etc.  sometimes it seems like it is going to be
Paul> out anytime now.  other times it seems a long time away.  about
Paul> what kind of a time schedule are we talking about here.  1-2
Paul> monthes?  3-4?  6-8?

 "This could be the greatest night of our lives--but you're going to
 let it be the worst!" John Blutarski
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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