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Re: Design Document: Version 0.01

Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
>  >      I am, I guess, questioning the requirement for listing the
> >  Packages files in a given order. I think that if package foo is
> >  insatalled, it should be automatically be offered for upgrading,
> The order is to choose a source for the upgrade. IE if you a CD and a FTP
> mirror setup as sources then you will want as many packages as possible
> (iff they are the newest versions) to come off the CD. So by listing the
> CD first it will take priority for same version conflicts. Any distinct
> versions will be listed twice and then the UI will pick the higher one.
> Behan should be able to comment more...

If package foo is installed, then indeed if a package is available (both
physically, and if it hasn't been filtered out by the keywords) it
be offered for upgrade.

Note that there isn't really a package "hold" command.  It's just if
you refuse an upgrade of a package, that amounts to an implicit hold.
That package will default to "keep" (on the selection screen) until the
user explicitly chooses install (sort of like turning hold off).

As far as Jason's comment, yes that is indeed the way I wanted it to
(Of course you can over-ride that by using the "Choose version" button).



Behan Webster     mailto:behanw@verisim.com
+1-613-224-7547   http://www.verisim.com/

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