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Re: APT License

Thanks Jason,

I've forwarded this on to our legal people to make sure they don't see any
problems. I should be able to confirm that everything's OK within a day or so.



Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

> This license was prepared by Branden Robinson at my request, if you find
> it acceptable I will make an announcement that this license retro-actively
> applies to all current and previos versions.
> Jason
> - ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 09:34:54 -0400
> From: Branden Robinson <branden@ecn.purdue.edu>
> To: jgg@ualberta.ca
> Subject: new APT license [DRAFT]
> Apt is copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 Jason Gunthorpe.
> Unless otherwise noted, you may apply the terms of the GNU General Public
> License (the GPL), version 2.0 or later, published by the Free Software
> Foundation, to this program.  See the file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL
> or <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt> for the terms of the latest
> version of the GNU General Public License.
> In addition, apt may be distributed under terms identical to the above with
> the following exception:
> Works using apt may link against the GUI library "libqt", copyright by
> Troll Tech AS, Norway, provided that:
> 1. The version of "libqt" is under the terms of the "Q Public License",
>    version 1.0, published by Troll Tech AS.  See below or
>    <http://www.troll.no/qpl/> for the text of the QPL, version 1.0.  In the
>    case of any variation in terms between the attached terms and the URL,
>    the license terms terms identified as the QPL below are the only ones
>    under which distribution of works derived from libapt-pkg.so are
>    permitted.
> 2. The source code of the version of "libqt" used is
>    a) Distributed with the binary version;
>    OR
>    b) Downloadable by anyone, without fee, using a publicly-announced
>       URL on the Internet, for a duration of at least three years
>       starting with distribution of the binary version.
>       _______________________________________________________________
> The following text, up to the text of the Q Public License, is
> informational and not part of the license terms on apt.
> Modifications to apt in either source or compiled form must be licensed
> under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, but need
> not include the above exception for usage of the "libqt" library under the
> QPL.  Note that removal of this exception will result in software which is
> not licensed for binary redistribution linked against software governed by
> the Q Public License.
> No part of apt is licensed under the QPL.  The terms below are provided to
> help identify the circumstances under which the "libqt" library may be used
> with apt.
>       _______________________________________________________________
>                       THE Q PUBLIC LICENSE version 1.0
>                  Copyright (C) 1999 Troll Tech AS, Norway.
>                      Everyone is permitted to copy and
>                      distribute this license document.
>    The intent of this license is to establish freedom to share and change
>    the software regulated by this license under the open source model.
>    This license applies to any software containing a notice placed by the
>    copyright holder saying that it may be distributed under the terms of
>    the Q Public License version 1.0. Such software is herein referred to
>    as the Software. This license covers modification and distribution of
>    the Software, use of third-party application programs based on the
>    Software, and development of free software which uses the Software.
>                                Granted Rights
>    1. You are granted the non-exclusive rights set forth in this license
>    provided you agree to and comply with any and all conditions in this
>    license. Whole or partial distribution of the Software, or software
>    items that link with the Software, in any form signifies acceptance of
>    this license.
>    2. You may copy and distribute the Software in unmodified form
>    provided that the entire package, including - but not restricted to -
>    copyright, trademark notices and disclaimers, as released by the
>    initial developer of the Software, is distributed.
>    3. You may make modifications to the Software and distribute your
>    modifications, in a form that is separate from the Software, such as
>    patches. The following restrictions apply to modifications:
>      a. Modifications must not alter or remove any copyright notices in
>      the Software.
>      b. When modifications to the Software are released under this
>      license, a non-exclusive royalty-free right is granted to the
>      initial developer of the Software to distribute your modification
>      in future versions of the Software provided such versions remain
>      available under these terms in addition to any other license(s) of
>      the initial developer.
>    4. You may distribute machine-executable forms of the Software or
>    machine-executable forms of modified versions of the Software,
>    provided that you meet these restrictions:
>      a. You must include this license document in the distribution.
>      b. You must ensure that all recipients of the machine-executable
>      forms are also able to receive the complete machine-readable source
>      code to the distributed Software, including all modifications,
>      without any charge beyond the costs of data transfer, and place
>      prominent notices in the distribution explaining this.
>      c. You must ensure that all modifications included in the
>      machine-executable forms are available under the terms of this
>      license.
>    5. You may use the original or modified versions of the Software to
>    compile, link and run application programs legally developed by you or
>    by others.
>    6. You may develop application programs, reusable components and other
>    software items that link with the original or modified versions of the
>    Software. These items, when distributed, are subject to the following
>    requirements:
>      a. You must ensure that all recipients of machine-executable forms
>      of these items are also able to receive and use the complete
>      machine-readable source code to the items without any charge beyond
>      the costs of data transfer.
>      b. You must explicitly license all recipients of your items to use
>      and re-distribute original and modified versions of the items in
>      both machine-executable and source code forms. The recipients must
>      be able to do so without any charges whatsoever, and they must be
>      able to re-distribute to anyone they choose.
>      c. If the items are not available to the general public, and the
>      initial developer of the Software requests a copy of the items,
>      then you must supply one.
>                           Limitations of Liability
>    In no event shall the initial developers or copyright holders be
>    liable for any damages whatsoever, including - but not restricted to -
>    lost revenue or profits or other direct, indirect, special, incidental
>    or consequential damages, even if they have been advised of the
>    possibility of such damages, except to the extent invariable law, if
>    any, provides otherwise.
>                                 No Warranty
>    The Software and this license document are provided AS IS with NO
>                                Choice of Law
>    This license is governed by the Laws of Norway. Disputes shall be
>    settled by Oslo City Court.
>       _______________________________________________________________
> - --
> G. Branden Robinson              |   The only way to get rid of a temptation
> Debian GNU/Linux                 |   is to yield to it.
> branden@ecn.purdue.edu           |   -- Oscar Wilde
> cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |
> Version: 2.6.3ia
> Charset: noconv
> iQCVAwUBOBPZ7dxNMr81Jh4hAQFiSgQAghPz3yZ+y/8XcBywPQhjDe3xcPPRplQG
> 2rWWolvk1U01UvN/YiDUvp/xRBaeakASb+PkFS0adc3F+/O6IAIETmWgTZiM1Jlj
> DcqOVCCM93I=
> =EGU3

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