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[Git][xorg-team/lib/libx11] Pushed new tag libx11-2_1.7.2-1
[Git][xorg-team/lib/libx11][debian-unstable] 6 commits: include <limits.h> always, not if HAVE_CONFIG_H is set.
[Git][xorg-team/lib/libx11][debian-unstable] Fix Vcs-Git control field
[Git][xorg-team/lib/libx11][upstream-unstable] 4 commits: include <limits.h> always, not if HAVE_CONFIG_H is set.
[Git][xorg-team/lib/mesa] Pushed new tag mesa-21.1.4-1
[Git][xorg-team/lib/mesa][debian-experimental] 94 commits: zink: ci updates
[Git][xorg-team/lib/mesa][upstream-experimental] 91 commits: zink: ci updates
[Git][xorg-team/vulkan/spirv-headers] Pushed new tag spirv-headers-1.5.4+rt2-1
[Git][xorg-team/vulkan/spirv-tools] Pushed new tag spirv-tools-2020.6-2
Any chance that Mesa 20.3.5 gets a freeze unblock?
Bug#749646: x11-xserver-utils depends on cpp
Bug#856045: x11-xserver-utils: Incorrect xrandr: cannot find crtc for output HDMI2
Bug#973552: GPU crashed while doing screencast using OBS studio
Bug#980370: marked as done (spirv-tools: shared library should be packaged like a shared library)
Bug#980370: spirv-tools: shared library should be packaged like a shared library
Bug#983390: mesa-vulkan-drivers: bad interactions between VkLayer_MESA_device_select and other layers
Bug#990998: libx11-6: new version causes segfault for fdesign
Bug#990998: marked as done (libx11-6: new version causes segfault for fdesign)
Bug#991283: unblock: mesa/20.3.5-1
Bug#991548: mesa: Since 20.3.5-1 AMD Vega GPU runs at max V and 90W in idle
libx11_1.7.2-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
mesa_21.1.4-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Processing of libx11_1.7.2-1_source.changes
Processing of mesa_21.1.4-1_source.changes
Processing of spirv-headers_1.5.4+rt2-1_source.changes
Processing of spirv-tools_2020.6-2_source.changes
spirv-headers_1.5.4+rt2-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
spirv-tools_2020.6-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Webinar: The 7 KEY SPOTS For Church Online
Xforms applications crash after update of libx11-6
The last update was on 12:40 GMT Sat Jul 31. There are 36 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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