Is your church regularly reaching thousands of new people in your community by using the 7 biggest online channels?
I’m talking about reaching thousands of new people through:
Youtube video platform
Instant Messaging (ie. FB Messenger)
Google Search
Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, etc)
Mobile: Smart Phone Apps & Mobile Websites
Online email to non-subscribers (gmail, yahoo mail, aol mail, etc)
Big Brand Website promotions (cbs, webmd, reddit, espn, forbes, yahoo, weather channel, etc)
During our August 4th Webinar Training: “The 7 Most Important Online Channels For Church” - we’ll show you how you can reach thousands in your community.
We know that it’s so important right now for Churches to reach people digitally. But we also recognize that church staff time and resources are tighter than ever. So we’re going to show you how automation can make each of these 7 online channels even more effective.
Looking forward to seeing you inside the training!
Patrick Doohan
Founder and Trainer
P.S. Grab one of the 100 registration spots for The 7 Most Important Online Channels For Church.