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How to set up a supplementary xorg.conf Device section (was: Bug#858142: xterm: ASCII underscore does not render when using -fa FreeMono -fs 14)

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On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 08:56:58PM +0100, Sven Joachim wrote:
> On 2017-03-20 15:18 -0400, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> > I'm at a loss, then.  As you originally suspected, maybe it is a
> > graphics driver issue.  Attaching Xorg.log[2].
> Apparently you have an Intel GPU and use the modesetting(4) driver (the
> default).  You could try to disable acceleration
> (Option "AccelMethod" "none" in xorg.conf) or use the intel driver
> (cp /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg-video-intel/xorg.conf /etc/X11), and see
> if that makes a difference.

I beg your indulgence.  If you don't have it to spare, just tell me to JFGI and
I will, but I see some humor and irony in my situation.  Plus I like
reconnecting with old Debian colleagues.

I don't precisely know how to do this.  I've never had to actually fight with a
modularized xorg.conf file before.  I have, however, consulted xorg.conf(5) and

Here's what I think I need to do:
1) Create /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d. (done)
2) Write a file to put in there. (in progress)
3) Restart the X server.  I enabled zapping[1] so this is easy.

The problem is that an Identifier is mandatory for the Device Section I am
writing, and I cannot tell from my Xorg.0.log file what identifier is
"autodetected".  How do I figure this out?

I am attaching my untested conf file.

> Disabling the PageFlip option in xorg.conf might help to avoid those.

I did see that; thanks.  That's the next problem I'm going to tackle after my
precious missing underscore.  (My work habits involve maximized xterms and
vertically-split vim windows; those, combined with the monitor I'm using and my
aging eyes, mandate the 14-point font size.)

But in the meantime I did want to report that problem because frankly it's
insane to be dumping that much redundant crap into the log file.  syslog has had
message rate limiting for decades, and the Linux kernel for several years at
least.  Someone was not thinking.


[1] It's very nice to have this configurable via XKB and the
keyboard-configuration package these days!
Section "Device"
	Identifier "mystery"
	Driver "modesetting"
	Option "AccelMethod" "none"
#	Option "PageFlip" "off"

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