Re: compiz ABI break
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 23:21:32 +0100, sean finney wrote:
> So, anyway, my first question is how should i handle the bump with
> libcompizconfig, which has a dependency on the abi versions? I see that
> compiz has been hacked to provide a compiz-core-abiversion-<foo> style
> virtual package. namely, should i add an explicit depends on -dev
> packages >= 0.8.4, or assume that someone will schedule binNMU's if
> libcompizconfig happens to get taken first for building before the
> new compiz.
I don't think it's necessary. You can either ask the release/buildd
people to schedule binNMUs afterwards, or (probably better) ask for
dep-waits right after the libcompizconfig upload, so the buildds don't
pick that one up until after the new compiz is available.
> My second question is, assuming that we do the third ABI break with the
> local unapplied patch, should we modify the ABI version string to make
> the point that it's a different ABI from the upstream one? I don't
> think ubuntu is doing this though they're applying the patch... but i'm
> not sure if it's intentional or just an oversight.
I don't think this matters a lot, unless it's used consistently by
upstream and they have debs that people are expected to be able to
install on debian and use this?
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