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Bug#483206: [xserver-xorg-video-intel] Xorg: screen gets blank randomly, and there is no way to recover

edwin wrote:
Brice Goglin wrote:
Can you try with latest upstream git? Some possibly related lockup were
fixed today (see https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13326).

Yesterday when I logged in, X got restarted again, I looked in Xorg.0.log, and dmesg, and there was nothing related to a crash or restart. The last entries in Xorg.0.log were these:
(II) Configured Mouse: ps2EnableDataReporting: succeeded
(II) intel(0): xf86UnbindGARTMemory: unbind key 0
(II) intel(0): xf86UnbindGARTMemory: unbind key 1

Today's Xorg.0.log doesn't contain the unbind key message:
(II) Configured Mouse: ps2EnableDataReporting: succeeded

An older log (Xorg.20.log) shows:
(II) Configured Mouse: ps2EnableDataReporting: succeeded
(II) intel(0): xf86UnbindGARTMemory: unbind key 5
(II) intel(0): xf86UnbindGARTMemory: unbind key 6

I was not yet able to reproduce the issue today with the debian package. (I did a dist-upgrade this morning, but nothing xorg related).

I will try the upstream git, but first I need to find a way to tell wether the bug is still present or not ;)

It happened again, and I got those 2 unbind entries in Xorg.0.log again.
I downloaded latest git, built it and installed it from a text console (without rebooting). I have run the reg_dumper tool (attached output as 'dump'). After installing the latest git of the intel video driver, I have restarted X (without rebooting), and I got this in my Xorg.0.log:
(EE) intel(0): underrun on pipe B!
(EE) intel(0): underrun on pipe B!
(EE) intel(0): underrun on pipe B!
(II) intel(0): xf86UnbindGARTMemory: unbind key 0
(II) intel(0): xf86UnbindGARTMemory: unbind key 1

I have rebooted, and I didn't get an underrun yet since.

Best regards,
(II): DumpRegsBegin
(II):    VCLK_DIVISOR_VGA0: 0x00031108 (n = 3, m1 = 17, m2 = 8)
(II):    VCLK_DIVISOR_VGA1: 0x00031406 (n = 3, m1 = 20, m2 = 6)
(II):        VCLK_POST_DIV: 0x00020002 (vga0 p1 = 4, p2 = 2, vga1 p1 = 2, p2 = 2)
(II):            DPLL_TEST: 0x00010001 ()
(II):         CACHE_MODE_0: 0x00006820
(II):              D_STATE: 0x00000000
(II):        DSPCLK_GATE_D: 0x00001000 (clock gates disabled: DPLUNIT)
(II):       RENCLK_GATE_D1: 0x00000000
(II):       RENCLK_GATE_D2: 0x00000000
(II):                SDVOB: 0x00480000 (disabled, pipe A, stall disabled, not detected)
(II):                SDVOC: 0x00480000 (disabled, pipe A, stall disabled, not detected)
(II):              SDVOUDI: 0x00000020
(II):               DSPARB: 0x00001d9c
(II):               DSPFW1: 0x00000000
(II):               DSPFW2: 0x00000000
(II):               DSPFW3: 0x00000000
(II):                 ADPA: 0x40008c18 (disabled, pipe B, +hsync, +vsync)
(II):                 LVDS: 0xc0300300 (enabled, pipe B, 18 bit, 1 channel)
(II):                 DVOA: 0x00000000 (disabled, pipe A, no stall, -hsync, -vsync)
(II):                 DVOB: 0x00480000 (disabled, pipe A, no stall, -hsync, -vsync)
(II):                 DVOC: 0x00480000 (disabled, pipe A, no stall, -hsync, -vsync)
(II):          DVOA_SRCDIM: 0x00000000
(II):          DVOB_SRCDIM: 0x00000000
(II):          DVOC_SRCDIM: 0x00000000
(II):           PP_CONTROL: 0x00000001 (power target: on)
(II):            PP_STATUS: 0xc0000008 (on, ready, sequencing idle)
(II):         PFIT_CONTROL: 0x80002668
(II):      PFIT_PGM_RATIOS: 0x00000000
(II):      PORT_HOTPLUG_EN: 0x00000020
(II):    PORT_HOTPLUG_STAT: 0x00000400
(II):             DSPACNTR: 0x00000000 (disabled, pipe A)
(II):           DSPASTRIDE: 0x00000000 (0 bytes)
(II):              DSPAPOS: 0x00000000 (0, 0)
(II):             DSPASIZE: 0x00000000 (1, 1)
(II):             DSPABASE: 0x00000000
(II):             DSPASURF: 0x00000000
(II):          DSPATILEOFF: 0x00000000
(II):            PIPEACONF: 0x00000000 (disabled, single-wide)
(II):             PIPEASRC: 0x027f01df (640, 480)
(II):         FBC_CFB_BASE: 0x00000000
(II):          FBC_LL_BASE: 0x00000000
(II):          FBC_CONTROL: 0x00000000
(II):          FBC_COMMAND: 0x00000000
(II):           FBC_STATUS: 0x20000000
(II):         FBC_CONTROL2: 0x00000000
(II):        FBC_FENCE_OFF: 0x00000000
(II):          FBC_MOD_NUM: 0x00000000
(II):                 FPA0: 0x00031108 (n = 3, m1 = 17, m2 = 8)
(II):                 FPA1: 0x00031108 (n = 3, m1 = 17, m2 = 8)
(II):               DPLL_A: 0x04800003 (disabled, non-dvo, VGA, default clock, DAC/serial mode, p1 = 8, p2 = 10, SDVO mult 1)
(II):            DPLL_A_MD: 0x00000000
(II):             HTOTAL_A: 0x031f027f (640 active, 800 total)
(II):             HBLANK_A: 0x03170287 (648 start, 792 end)
(II):              HSYNC_A: 0x02ef028f (656 start, 752 end)
(II):             VTOTAL_A: 0x020c01df (480 active, 525 total)
(II):             VBLANK_A: 0x020401e7 (488 start, 517 end)
(II):              VSYNC_A: 0x01eb01e9 (490 start, 492 end)
(II):            BCLRPAT_A: 0x00000000
(II):         VSYNCSHIFT_A: 0x00000000
(II):             DSPBCNTR: 0x49000000 (disabled, pipe B)
(II):           DSPBSTRIDE: 0x00000280 (640 bytes)
(II):              DSPBPOS: 0x00000000 (0, 0)
(II):             DSPBSIZE: 0x018f02cf (720, 400)
(II):             DSPBBASE: 0x00000000
(II):             DSPBSURF: 0x00000000
(II):          DSPBTILEOFF: 0x00000000
(II):            PIPEBCONF: 0x80000000 (enabled, single-wide)
(II):             PIPEBSRC: 0x027f018f (640, 400)
(II):                 FPB0: 0x00031107 (n = 3, m1 = 17, m2 = 7)
(II):                 FPB1: 0x00031108 (n = 3, m1 = 17, m2 = 8)
(II):               DPLL_B: 0x98026003 (enabled, non-dvo, spread spectrum clock, LVDS mode, p1 = 2, p2 = 14, SDVO mult 1)
(II):            DPLL_B_MD: 0x00000000
(II):             HTOTAL_B: 0x059f04ff (1280 active, 1440 total)
(II):             HBLANK_B: 0x059f04ff (1280 start, 1440 end)
(II):              HSYNC_B: 0x05340514 (1301 start, 1333 end)
(II):             VTOTAL_B: 0x0336031f (800 active, 823 total)
(II):             VBLANK_B: 0x0336031f (800 start, 823 end)
(II):              VSYNC_B: 0x03270323 (804 start, 808 end)
(II):            BCLRPAT_B: 0x00000000
(II):         VSYNCSHIFT_B: 0x00000000
(II):    VCLK_DIVISOR_VGA0: 0x00031108
(II):    VCLK_DIVISOR_VGA1: 0x00031406
(II):        VCLK_POST_DIV: 0x00020002
(II):             VGACNTRL: 0x22c4008e (enabled)
(II):               TV_CTL: 0x100c0000
(II):               TV_DAC: 0x70000000
(II):             TV_CSC_Y: 0x0332012d
(II):            TV_CSC_Y2: 0x07d30104
(II):             TV_CSC_U: 0x0733052d
(II):            TV_CSC_U2: 0x05c70200
(II):             TV_CSC_V: 0x0340030c
(II):            TV_CSC_V2: 0x06d00200
(II):         TV_CLR_KNOBS: 0x00606000
(II):         TV_CLR_LEVEL: 0x010b00e1
(II):           TV_H_CTL_1: 0x00400359
(II):           TV_H_CTL_2: 0x80480022
(II):           TV_H_CTL_3: 0x007c0344
(II):           TV_V_CTL_1: 0x00f01415
(II):           TV_V_CTL_2: 0x00060607
(II):           TV_V_CTL_3: 0x80120001
(II):           TV_V_CTL_4: 0x000900f0
(II):           TV_V_CTL_5: 0x000a00f0
(II):           TV_V_CTL_6: 0x000900f0
(II):           TV_V_CTL_7: 0x000a00f0
(II):          TV_SC_CTL_1: 0xc1710088
(II):          TV_SC_CTL_2: 0x4e2d1dc8
(II):          TV_SC_CTL_3: 0x00000000
(II):           TV_WIN_POS: 0x00360024
(II):          TV_WIN_SIZE: 0x02640198
(II):      TV_FILTER_CTL_1: 0x8000085e
(II):      TV_FILTER_CTL_2: 0x00012d2d
(II):      TV_FILTER_CTL_3: 0x00009696
(II):        TV_CC_CONTROL: 0x00000000
(II):           TV_CC_DATA: 0x00000000
(II):          TV_H_LUMA_0: 0xb1403000
(II):         TV_H_LUMA_59: 0x0000b060
(II):        TV_H_CHROMA_0: 0xb1403000
(II):       TV_H_CHROMA_59: 0x0000b060
(II):              MI_MODE: 0x00000200
(II):         MI_ARB_STATE: 0x00000040
(II):       MI_RDRET_STATE: 0x00000000
(II):              ECOSKPD: 0x00000307
(II):                 SR00: 0x03
(II):                 SR01: 0x00
(II):                 SR02: 0x03
(II):                 SR03: 0x00
(II):                 SR04: 0x02
(II):                 SR05: 0x00
(II):                 SR06: 0x00
(II):                 SR07: 0x00
(II):                  MSR: 0x67
(II):                  ARX: 0x30
(II):                 AR00: 0x00
(II):                 AR01: 0x01
(II):                 AR02: 0x02
(II):                 AR03: 0x03
(II):                 AR04: 0x04
(II):                 AR05: 0x05
(II):                 AR06: 0x14
(II):                 AR07: 0x07
(II):                 AR08: 0x38
(II):                 AR09: 0x39
(II):                 AR0a: 0x3a
(II):                 AR0b: 0x3b
(II):                 AR0c: 0x3c
(II):                 AR0d: 0x3d
(II):                 AR0e: 0x3e
(II):                 AR0f: 0x3f
(II):                 AR10: 0x0c
(II):                 AR11: 0x00
(II):                 AR12: 0x0f
(II):                 AR13: 0x08
(II):                 AR14: 0x00
(II):                 CR00: 0x5f
(II):                 CR01: 0x4f
(II):                 CR02: 0x50
(II):                 CR03: 0x82
(II):                 CR04: 0x55
(II):                 CR05: 0x81
(II):                 CR06: 0xbf
(II):                 CR07: 0x1f
(II):                 CR08: 0x00
(II):                 CR09: 0x4f
(II):                 CR0a: 0x0d
(II):                 CR0b: 0x0e
(II):                 CR0c: 0x23
(II):                 CR0d: 0x50
(II):                 CR0e: 0x2a
(II):                 CR0f: 0xd0
(II):                 CR10: 0x9c
(II):                 CR11: 0x8e
(II):                 CR12: 0x8f
(II):                 CR13: 0x28
(II):                 CR14: 0x1f
(II):                 CR15: 0x96
(II):                 CR16: 0xb9
(II):                 CR17: 0xa3
(II):                 CR18: 0xff
(II):                 CR19: 0x00
(II):                 CR1a: 0x00
(II):                 CR1b: 0x00
(II):                 CR1c: 0x00
(II):                 CR1d: 0x00
(II):                 CR1e: 0x00
(II):                 CR1f: 0x00
(II):                 CR20: 0x00
(II):                 CR21: 0x00
(II):                 CR22: 0x20
(II):                 CR23: 0x00
(II):                 CR24: 0x00
(II): pipe A dot 25200 n 3 m1 17 m2 8 p1 8 p2 10
(II): pipe B dot 74285 n 3 m1 17 m2 7 p1 2 p2 14
(II): DumpRegsEnd

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