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Bug#481739: xserver-xorg-video-savage: Transparency problem with OpenGL in xscreensaver and some 3D games

I've tested different versions of libgl1-mesa-dri with no success. The oldest I tried was version 6.3.2-2.1 because version 6.3.2-2 need a package named libdrm1 that doesn't exist any more and version 6.3.2-1 breaks a lot of dependancies including xscreensaver-gl. I can't go further because it's my test program.

I'm still ready to try anything you think that can be useful.


Brice Goglin a écrit :
You can add:
    deb http://snapshot.debian.net/archive pool mesa
to your /etc/apt/sources.list

Then run apt-get update. At this point, apt-cache policy libgl1-mesa-dri
will show you a lot of available versions. You can install one with
    apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri=6.5.1-0.6

6.5.1-0.6 is the one from Etch. If you can find the first buggy version,
that would help us a lot.

Don't forget to remove the new line in /etc/apt/sources.list after
testing all this.


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