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Re: Prefer nvidia over nv when available

Hi David,

|--==> David Nusinow writes:

  DN> On Mon, Oct 01, 2007 at 11:30:26PM +0200, Free Ekanayaka wrote:
  >>Hi all,
  >>is there a way to instruct the script(s) that generate the xorg.conf
  >>file at installation time to prefer nvidia over nv when the first is
  >>available? (and possibly to mark the proper packages for installation
  >>when not already installed).

  DN> Not currently but it is definitely something I'm planning to do. Since I'm
  DN> going to scrap that section of the debconfage soon, adding the feature
  DN> there is pretty useless. The solution we currently have is a temporary one
  DN> due to changes upstream, but I'll be implementing things upstream over the
  DN> next few weeks, and I'll follow it up with this sort of feature so that
  DN> nvidia can override nv by default when they're both installed (if the
  DN> nvidia developers decide that's what they want anyway).

Thanks. Just a few questions, if you already know the answer. Beside
the regular nvidia-glx package and the relevant kernel module package
would this mechanism also support the various other packages of the
nvidia driver currently available in sid (e.g. legacy-71xx and

These different nvidia packages conflict with each other, so it might
happen that the correct nvidia package is not installed by the time
the xorg packages run their debconf script. How would this situation
be handled?



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