Bug#440701: compiz: segfaults on startup
Hi Brice,
I didn't succeed in producing the backtrace. I tried starting "gdb
compiz.real" and then "run --no-fbo --replace gconf". The xsession then locks
up requiring a hard reboot :-( But nothing looking like a backtrace is
displayed. Only a message about a new thread.
I also tried it from a console, setting DISPLAY but that didn't produce
anything interesting either.
Am Montag, 3. September 2007 schrieben Sie:
> David Förster wrote:
> > GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is not available with direct rendering.
> > GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is available with indirect rendering.
> This is expected.
> > Window manager warning: Failed to load theme "Clearlooks": Failed to
> > find a valid file for theme Clearlooks
> IIRC, you miss the gtk2-engines packages.
> > /usr/bin/compiz.real (cube) - Warn: Failed to load slide: freedesktop
> You should enable the png plugin (see
> http://bgoglin.livejournal.com/11253.html)
> > /usr/bin/compiz: line 37: 9495 Segmentation fault
> > /usr/bin/compiz.real $COMPIZ_OPTIONS "$@" $COMPIZ_PLUGINS
> Could you catch a backtrace of the crash in gdb? Let me know if you need
> help.
> Brice
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