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Bug#166335: JavaServer Faces technology makes adding Ajax-enabled components easier for the page author, while maintaining the flexibility enjoyed by the component developer.

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He has written extensively about relational database technology,
programming languages, and web services. This method writes out the
JavaScript tags  to the ResponseWriter instance. The phase listener
performs these functions before the restore view phase of the life

This section discusses how the dojo.

In Ajax applications, you often have to refer to client IDs. Languages
English Back to top     Who Can Benefit Students who can benefit from
this course are architects, domain experts, Java and web applications
developers. Our use case requires it so that the column headings match
up with the row data in each column.
"  All have been helping put the "rich" into Rich Internet Applications.
After that, you're ready to start coding. When updateOnServer calls
processUpdateResponse it passes to it the XML data. In this case, we
want to use POST to post data to the server. This example uses a custom
label component that, when you click on it in the page, renders an input
component and a  button.
Creating Necessary JavaScript Functions If you are new to JavaScript,
you can find a lot of support on the web, including here at java. Is it
bad for the network or server?
The object that processed the request returns an XML document containing
any updates that need to go to the client. GWT automatically serializes
the client's request and deserializes the server's response. There are
several products on the market already that do this efficiently; and it
is moving from more specialized event driven solutions to the main
stream web servers too. This blog focusses only on how to convert Java
object data into JSON format.

Registering JavaScript Events on the Components After the page is
rendered and the onload event is fired, the initialize function is

He also created a demo that uses the service with a Yahoo map widget.
However, we want to render the script tags only once for the entire
The application has been extracted from the tutorial for use in these
articles. Remember, with Ajax, you are doing more transactions, so you
want each one to be as small as possible. Recall from Registering
JavaScript Events on the Components that the initialize function looks
for any elements with this class name and registers JavaScript events on
them. In this class, I added a method to create some rows of data.

It doesn't detail getting the data from a database.

I created my application's directory structure according to the Phobos
project's conventions.

This function updates the HTML DOM based on the contents of the XML
document that was returned, and the response is sent back to the client.
If you've surfed the web at all lately, most likely you've seen Ajax in
action without realizing it. Rick Palkovic is a staff writer for Sun
Developer Network.

So, when using the dojo.

Learn About Ajax  See the article  Ajax Design Strategies by Ed Ort and
Mark Basler for valuable background on the motivation for using Ajax and
the techniques available for implemention.
The basic steps for including Ajax in a custom component are: Create
necessary JavaScript functions, leveraging DOJO as much as possible. To
enable a widget so that it responds to an event such as a mouse click,
you implement one of GWT's listener interfaces.

The encodeEnd method of DLabelRenderer invokes the renderScriptOnce
method of DLabelRenderer. bind method: url: This is the URL that the
XMLHttpRequest object passes to the phase listener, which will use it to
create an XML document with the component IDs and values. Behind the
scenes, Dynamic Faces performs all the Ajax functionality through the
use of a set of JavaScript libraries. One other important feature of GWT
is its RPC mechanism, which allows the client to communicate with the
server through method calls. Without the prependId attribute, you'd have
to add the form ID to every client ID reference, which adds extra bytes
to network transactions and is a pain to type.

DLabelPhaseListener, which processes the Ajax request, exchanges the
data with the server-side object, and returns the XML data to the
client. io packages help with implementing the Ajax functionality in the

Like the changeFruit method, the updateVarety method, which handles this
event also updates model values.
Getting the User Input and Creating the XML File with the New Data If
the user clicks the Update Me button to update data on the server, the
updateOnServer function is invoked. After the user clicks a label and
enters a value, he or she clicks the Update Me button, which generates
an onclick event.

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