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Re: experimental branches

* David Nusinow wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 09, 2006 at 08:48:21AM +0200, Thierry Reding wrote:
> > Since it's unlikely for compiz 0.2 to go into etch, I was planning on
> > building 0.2 for experimental. What would be the best way to do so in SVN?
> > Should I just add an experimental branch? I know I could possibly just do
> > this in the trunk, but the plan is to keep the packaging separate because I
> > will need to fix things in the 0.0.13+git20060928 packages.
> Sure, just create branches/experimental/app/ and copy compiz over from
> trunk and plug away :-)
> > I could also put this into a git repository on alioth if someone adds me to
> > the pkg-xorg group. Just trying to rush forward. =)
> What's your alioth login? I'll add you, but I don't think we should do this
> in git right now because we'd lose the history we already have for the
> package.

The login is beatle-guest.

> I'm going to play with the script to convert from svn to git that
> ships with git in a month or so when we're really frozen for etch. If
> anyone wants to start tackling that now so we can do the conversion for the
> whole svn repo quickly when we're ready, that'd kick ass.

I was planning to use git-svnimport or git-svn to migrate the compiz history.
This should be rather easy because compiz is still very young.

 - Thierry

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