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Re: FTBFS imake

Il giorno gio, 20/07/2006 alle 15.54 -0400, Aaron M. Ucko ha scritto:
> Because xutils-dev doesn't *pre*-depend on x11-common (>= 1:7.0.0),
> it's entirely possible that it wound up misinstalled on his system.
> To wit, dpkg may have unpacked xutils-dev with /usr/lib/X11 still a
> symlink to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11, inadvertently stranding imake's
> database there.

You are right, dpkg -L listed files in /usr/lib/X11/config, but on my
system that directory didn't exist at all. 

`aptitude reinstall xutils-dev` did the trick, and reinstalled the
missing files (within the right directory, this time). 

The package builds fine, so I'm uploading it.


Fabio Tranchitella <kobold@debian.org>                        .''`.
Proud Debian GNU/Linux developer, admin and user.            : :'  :
                                                             `. `'`
   http://people.debian.org/~kobold/                           `-
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