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Re: XSF plans for Xprt in x11-xorg?

On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 05:43:30PM +0200, Bastian Venthur wrote:
> may I ask, when we can expect to see xorg in unstable? I really don't want
> to rush you, I just want to know some *approximate* time frame.

You can ask, but I can't give you a good answer. Your best bet is to read
the other mails that have shown up this month and the last to see where
things are headed.

For what it's worth, I've managed to *finally* get packages built from the
XSF subversion tree for X.Org today. I'll be committing the necessary fixes
to allow this within the next 24 hours and I'll work on tightening up the
last bits so I'm comfortable uploading them to experimental. The next step
will be for non-XSF maintainers to fix their packages to so they can cope
with the changes we'll be introducing (these breakages are well understood,
and you can read about them in other mails from this month). Once those are
ready to go, we can hopefully move the packages to unstable.

I could give you a proposed timeline for all this, but since I'm the one
doing the bulk of this particular part of the work, and I have no prior
experience with this, I can't accurately estimate. Please be patient, feel
free to help with things on the TODO list or help upstream modularize, and
I'll keep working hard to keep things moving.

 - David Nusinow

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