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Re: request for volunteers: xfree86 woody, xfree86 sarge, and xorg-x11 uploaders

Branden The Emperor wrote:
> Given my recent election to the post of Debian Project Leader, I expect to
> have less time to manage three different X11 trees.
> ...
> I think we have ugrent personnel needs in three areas:
> ...
> xorg-x11:
> ...
> 	My current thinking is to continue in the direction we've been
> 	going in the xorg-x11 repository.  Ubunutu's packages can be
> 	imported on to a branch, and appropriate bits merged from there.
> 	(Because of things like Drew Parsons taking over xprint, and xprint
> 	not being built by xorg-x11, we can't just drop the Ubunutu X
> 	packages into Debian unstable without basically hijacking xprint
> 	from Drew, which I would oppose.)

I'm hoping my xprint won't be an unbearable thorn in Debian's Xorg
side. I've been waiting to hear from upstream what the long term plans
are for Xprint as a separate source from X.org, but haven't received
any definite plans yet.

If it turns out that upstream favours consolidating the Xprint source
only with the X.org, without the separate development that's happened
till now at xprint.mozdev.org, then the logical thing would be for me
to join the X Strike Force, with responsibility for the area that
packages Xprint. But I figure we'll build that bridge when we come to

> In the long run, of course, the monolithic sample implementation tree will
> cease to exist.

The curious thing here with regard to Xprint, is that upstream has been
holding discussions with other X.org hackers over whether Xprint runs
best as a stand-alone server, or whether a unified print+display server
is a better idea. There are 3 alternatives:
1) separate servers (the current situation)
2) unified server run separate on different displays (one for video, one for print)
3) unified server, just the one running which handles both video and print requests.

It's not clear yet which version X.org will end up with.  Version 2
kind of makes sense to me, sharing as much code as possible between the
different kinds of server. But Version 3 is being considered favourably.

If they decide on #3 (or #2), there'll be an obvious consequence on
packaging xprint separately from xserver-xorg. Modularisation of the X
servers from the X library code, but consolidation of the different
kinds of X servers.


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