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Bug#276234: xterm lost $HOME/bin and $TMPDIR

On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 08:09:06PM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> But what I do not understand is, that it was working up to the UPGRADE.

I'm running Debian/testing, and see that about half the contents of /lib
was changed when I updated in mid-September (file dates are a month
earlier, but ctimes show me when the files got there).  I'd expect
environment-variable tinkering to be done in libc.
> If i login onto the console, I have my $HOME "/home/michelle" AND 
> $PATH "/home/michelle/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin"
> which are set by my ~/.bash_profile

generally I use tcsh (and set my path in .cshrc).  Aside from (a few years
ago) noticing that shared libraries in /usr/local/lib wouldn't get loaded
nicely (because of the environment-variable trimming), I haven't seen any
recent changes that would add variables to be trimmed.

A quick check (now that I'm home) with

	xterm -e sh
	SHELL=/bin/sh xterm

doesn't show a loss of variables.  So perhaps that's not the problem.
I'm not sure what is.
> Please can you check it out with the package Maintainer ?
> I am not the only person with this problem...

I think that's Branden Robinson - who'll be reading this (soon, perhaps).

Thomas E. Dickey

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