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Re: xfree-4.3: disable mouse coursor shadow?

On Wed, Apr 09, 2003 at 01:28:52PM +0200, Michel D?nzer wrote:
> On Mit, 2003-04-09 at 12:17, Christian Guggenberger wrote:
> > this is just a minor issue:
> > I'd like to know if it's possible to disable mouse coursor's shadow in 
> > xfree-4.3, or even better, to make the coursor behave like in previous X 
> > versions?
> That's the upstream default AFAIK, so IMHO the real question is: why do
> the debs ship a different default, and why isn't
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons/default/index.theme a conffile? I had to divert
> it to prevent it from getting clobbered on each upgrade.

I thought all conffiles had to be in /etc, but I could be
misinterpreting policy here. And I ship whiteglass as a sane default
because redglass just looks woeful IMO. But, if core is what's wanted,
then I'll ship that.

I figured I'll ship whiteglass because:
* People who want 'core' are probably clueful enough to set the
  resource, or whatever.
* redglass, ugh.
* It stops all the Gentoo-type users from complaining there's not enough
  shiny stuff to get distracted by. ;)

Daniel Stone 	     <daniel@raging.dropbear.id.au>             <dstone@kde.org>
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